Supporting and enhancing higher education through changing and uncertain times

Since 2008, I’ve supported thousands of academic and professional services colleagues in the higher education sector to engage in strategic change and the strategic enhancement of their curriculum, pedagogies, policies and practices.
Areas of expertise at a glance
My experience has been built working in and with a wide range of contrasting universities – from fully established institutions undertaking change, to those at the beginning of their higher education journey – and other sector bodies and organisations.
As an experienced academic researcher with a further seven years of experience leading national educational policy evaluations, I can also help you to think about gathering evidence to address the tricky ‘so what?’ question.
It all starts with a free short initial chat to ensure that I understand your aims, goals and challenges. From there I’ll recommend some next steps and will very much look forward to working with you. In the unlikely event I’m not the right person for the job, I’ll be happy to recommend others from my network of expert HE colleagues.
What do clients say about my work?